What Is Depression?
Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world.
It can have a profound impact on how someone feels, thinks and behaves, making it difficult to cope with day-to-day life.
Symptoms of Depression can include feeling sad or hopeless, having little energy or motivation, difficulty concentrating, feeling guilty or worthless, and thoughts of suicide.
It can also have a serious impact on your day-to-day life, making it difficult to carry out normal activities or even interact with those around you.
Also it can cause physical symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, and even pain.
It can also affect your ability to concentrate on tasks or make decisions.
The World Health Organization estimates that 350 million people suffer from Depression worldwide.
We know it may not seem like it, but you are NOT ALONE.

There Are 3 Types Of Depression:
1. Major Depression:
Also known as:
Clinical Depression OR Unipolar Depression.
Major is when you feel sad, down or miserable most of the time. You might also lose interest in things you usually enjoy.
Your mental health professional may diagnose you with Depression if these symptoms:
- happen most days.
- last for at least two weeks.
- impact on many areas of your life, including work and social relationships.
Melancholia: Melancholia is severe Depression which often has physical symptoms. You might: move more slowly, feel sad, down or miserable, be completely unable to enjoy anything.
2. Psychotic Depression:
Sometimes it can include losing touch with reality or experiencing psychosis. Symptoms of psychotic Depression can include hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.
- Hallucinations – You might see or hear things that aren’t there.
- Delusions – A delusion is a false belief that isn’t shared by others. For example, you might believe that you’re: bad or evil or being watched or followed.
- Paranoia – If you feel paranoid you might: feel like everyone is against you, believe that other people have made you ill or caused bad things to happen.
3. Antenatal and postnatal Depression:
Your risk of developing Depression is higher during pregnancy and in the first year after childbirth.
During pregnancy around 10 per cent of women experience Depression. In the first three months after having a baby this increases to 16 per cent.
Depression which develops during pregnancy and after childbirth has a few different names:
- Antenatal or prenatal – during pregnancy.
- Postnatal – in the year after childbirth.
- Perinatal – any time during pregnancy or in the year after childbirth.
The baby blues: Around 80 per cent of women get the ‘baby blues’ in the first few days after childbirth.
You might feel tearful or overwhelmed, but this will pass in a few days with care and support.
The baby blues happens because of changes in your hormones after your baby is born and doesn’t mean you’ll develop Depression.
What Are The Nine Symptoms Of Major Depression?
There are several diagnostic criteria used by mental health professionals to determine if an individual can be diagnosed with Major Depression.
These include nine symptoms, and a person must experience at least five of them during a two-week period or longer. The nine symptoms are:
- A depressed, sad mood that lasts nearly all day on most days.
- A loss of interest or pleasure in normal or previously enjoyed activities.
- Significant weight loss or gain.
- Inability to sleep or oversleeping most days.
- Daily fatigue (extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical illness).
- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness.
- Inability or difficulty with thinking, concentrating, and making decisions.
- Thoughts of death or suicide, potentially with attempted suicide.
- Agitation (a state of anxiety or nervous excitement) or slowed down affect.
These symptoms are used to diagnose it , but it is important to understand that they describe how a person feels nearly every day during a depressive episode.
Having it does not mean always being depressed.
These episodes may last for a few weeks, go away, and return again later.

How Did I Get Rid Of My Depression?
Everyone experiences it at some point in their life.
It can be a difficult and isolating experience, but it is important to remember that you are not alone and there are ways to cope with it.
It is a difficult condition to overcome, but it is possible.
In my case, I was able to get rid of my it by taking small steps and making lifestyle changes.
I started exercising regularly, eating healthier, meditating, journaling, and talking to a therapist.
These changes helped me to manage my stress levels and improve my overall mental health. With the help of these tools and strategies, I was able to overcome it and live a happier life.

On those really difficult days when it seems impossible to go on and you feel like giving up, just remind yourself that you’ve been there before and you’ve survived every time, so you can survive this time, too.