Productivity is the ratio of outputs (goods, services, or other items produced) to inputs (such as time, labor, and capital).
Productivity increases when one input is substituted for another input that requires less human effort.

Higher Productivity leads To Higher Organizational Success.
Organizations That Are More Productive Are More Successful Than those That Are less Productive.
- It is a measure of the efficiency and effectiveness with which an organization uses its resources to produce goods or services.
- It is a measure of how much an organization produces per unit of input, typically expressed as a ratio.
- Also it is used as a measure of how fast an economy can grow, and what the level of employment in an economy can be.
Productivity measures are often used to compare the efficiency between different companies, or different countries.
For example, Canada’s productivity level is higher than that of China.
The higher productivity levels in Canada means that it can produce more goods and services with less inputs than China, so there are more opportunities for Canadians to find employment in this country than there are for Chinese citizens.
In the business world, there are many different factors that can lead to success. However, one factor that seems to stand out is productivity and efficiency.
Productivity is the most important factor in a company’s success.
It is not just about how much work you can do, but how much work you can do in the least amount of time.

To Increase Productivity, Consider Factors Such As:
2. Task allocation
3. Planning
4. Communication
Productivity is a hot topic these days.
Some people think that the only way to increase productivity is by working more hours and some people think that you can be more productive by getting rid of distractions.
The truth is, there are many factors that affect productivity.
This article will discuss some of them in detail and give you tips on how to improve your productivity.
Ø Work smarter, not harder: It’s important to find ways to do your work more efficiently and with less effort.
For example, if you’re working on a project and you have a lot of tasks left to do, it might be worth it to break them down into smaller tasks so they don’t seem so overwhelming.
Ø Set limits: It’s also important to set limits for yourself when it comes to your work time.
You might want to experiment with setting an alarm at the end of each day or after every four hours of work so that you know when it’s time for a
The more efficient and productive a company is, the more money it stands to make.
Increased productivity levels means organizations can minimize costs, become more competitive in the market, and decrease the time it takes for organizations to develop new products
“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”
- Without productivity, organizations such as corporations, businesses and even governments would not be able to thrive or sustain their operations.
- More work can be done with less resources which in turn would lead to more revenue for the company and less cost for the company’s clients.
“more time working means a higher quantity of work and greater productivity.”
It also suggests that in order to be a successful organization, one should prioritize efficiency and focus on the resources they have instead of trying to get more.
“Higher productivity and efficiency are the key to organizational success. It is not just about getting things done, it is about getting things done in the right way.”